FMCW Doppler Cloud Radar
35 GHz & 94 GHz Radars / Combined Dual Frequency Radar
Vertically Pointing or Scanning, Dual Polarisation and Doppler Spectra
We offer radars for operating at 94 and 35 GHz for observations of cloud and precipitation. The radars provide range profiles of parameters that contain information about scatterers in the atmosphere such as cloud particles, raindrops, snowflakes and insects. The radar utilizes frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) signals and can therefore provide high range resolution down a few meters. Doppler and polarimetric (optional) capabilities of the radar make a good basis for a classification of particles and a quantitative characterization of hydrometeors. Both radars can be combined on a single scanner to provide the dual wavelength ratio, which is an indicator for super-cooled-liquid and provides even more information on particle shape and liquid water content.
Areas of Applications
- Calibration of precipitation and cloud radars including satellite-based systems
- Estimation of propagation effects for satellite links
- Precipitation and fog nowcast
- Hydrometeor classification
- Quantitative precipitation estimation
- Wind direction and speed retrieval
- Profiling of liquid water
- Microphysical analysis of clouds and precipitation
RPG_FMCW_Brochure 2022.pdf
RPG_FMCW_Flyer 2022.pdf
RPG-FMCW-Operation and SW_Manual.pdf