
RPG Radiometer Physics GmbH

Humidity And Temperature PROfilers

RPG's profiling radiometers are mainly used to derive vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity (RPG-HATPRO). The infrared radiometer extension allows to cloud base height and ice cloud detection. The radiometer series covers high-resolution temperature profiling of the boundary layer and low-humidity applications. All models of the series provide accurate total amounts of atmospheric water vapor and cloud liquid cloud. RPG radiometers are stand-alone systems for automated weather-station use under nearly all environmental conditions. A variety of retrieval algorithms (custom designed and global standard algorithms) can be selected.



Meteorological observations, Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), forecasting, now-casting, climate monitoring, aviation meteorology, astronomy, geodesy.



Two bands, 22-31 GHz (7-channel filter-bank humidity profiler and LWP radiometer) and 51-58 GHz (7-channel filter-bank temperature profiler)


Retrieved data types:

  • vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature
  • vertical profile of atmospheric humidity (relative and absolute humidity)
  • Liquid Water Path (LWP)
  • Integrated Water Vapor (IWV)
  • wet delay
  • dry delay
  • stability indices


This system is very similar to the RPG-LWP liquid water path (two channel) radiometer. Only the receiver systems vary, housing and additional sensors are basically the same.



Different model types of profiling radiometers are available.

Model Frequencies Applications
HATPRO 22.24 – 31.4 GHz,
51.0 – 58.0 GHz

Humidity + temperature profiles (high precision in boundary layer), clouds, IWV, LWP, stability

LHATPRO 51.0 – 58.0 GHz, 183.31 GHz
(6 DSB-channels to ±7.5 GHz)
Like HATPRO, but for Low-humidity (high altitudes, cold environments, PWV < 3 mm)
TEMPRO 51.0 – 58.0 GHz Temperature profiles, Boundary layer temperature profiling
HUMPRO 22.24 – 31.4 GHz Humidity profiles, clouds, IWV, LWP
LHUMPRO 183.31 GHz (6 DSB-channels up to ±7.5 GHz) Low-Humidity high-precision profiles (clouds: limited accuracy)